Writing Earth’s Survivors

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Posted on December 22, 2023 by Dell

Writing Earth’s Survivors

Posted 12-22-2023

A few words about the Earth’s Survivors Series of books:

This series was written by me several years ago and remained unpublished. I wrote the original books in longhand in bound composition notebooks. At the time that was what was available to me, at least for the first few books. After that it didn’t matter. I was hooked. The stories seemed to flow perfectly, and I didn’t want to mess with the magic. Sounds crazy, maybe, but those stories come from some place that I don’t have access to, or at least access to any time I choose. 

I can sit down and begin nearly any story that is suggested to me, but if it isn’t there after the initial start, the story will just die. The words will come harder and harder and then the well will be dry. I have no idea where the characters are going to. And, most likely that is because they are going nowhere. They are staying wherever I wrote them too. They will always be there; any time I care to reread what I wrote.

My point is, if it isn’t there it isn’t there. Beginning it or wishing it will not make it work. So, I did not want to mess up the magic. I left it alone and the books poured out.

From 2008 to 2010 I wrote twenty Earth’s Survivors books. I also wrote four Dreamer’s Worlds books. I wrote eight America the Dead books. I wrote seven books about Earth’s Survivors characters before the world ended, loosely formed around a Weather Girl named Rebecca Monet. The first is Billy Jingo.

I wrote dozens or short stories. Space travel, Cowboys and Zombies, Crime Novels, Horror, Sci Fi, True, Historical and more. Some of it I personally like, some fans like, it’s has always been impossible for me to judge which way it will go. It surprises me when I write something and I don’t especially like it, yet others do.

Stephen King once said that The Stand was the book he got the most feedback about, the largest fan base, but it was not his favorite book. Even so, he knew he had written something special, and he did.

So, I wrote in my composition notebooks and the stories came to me. Occasionally I would write lyrics in between. I spent my day today going through all of it so I could formulate an attack in my head. How to get it from point A (The Composition Notebook) to point B (My Open Office Install).

Here is the entire series as of now…

Earth’s Survivors

Earth’s Survivors: Apocalypse

Earth’s Survivors follows survivors of a worldwide catastrophe. A meteorite that was supposed to miss the earth hits and destroys the world as we know it. #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror 


Earth’s Survivors: Rising from the Ashes

The streets are a mess. I’ve spent too much of the last week hiding inside my apartment. Most of my friends, and that’s a joke, I didn’t have… #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror 


Earth’s Survivors: The Nation

It was about an hour and a half past sunset when Mike took over one of the perimeter guard posts from Susan. It was simply the far corner. #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror 


 Earth’s Survivors: Home in the Valley

They came through the roof…

Bear was talking to Beth, when the first zombie dropped from the ceiling… #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror 


Earth’s Survivors: Plague

It happened so fast, Mike told himself later, that no one had had any time to react. They had heard nothing. #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror 


Earth’s Survivors: Watertown

On the table Clayton Hunter leaned forward and tumbled off the edge of the table. At the same instant the air purifier quit cycling and three armed men in gas masks stepped into the airlock. #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror https://books2read.com/b/4XeJoN

Earth’s Survivors: Alabama Island

A sharp rap on the glass startled him. He had been about to dig out his own supply, a little pick-me-up. He looked up to see the guys from the truck standing outside his window… #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror 


Earth’s Survivors: World Order

 Far from the destroyed cities and relying on old world knowledge to begin again, a small group of people is building what they call a New Nation…  #Apocalyptic #Survival #Dystopian #Horror  https://books2read.com/b/496VvY

I will leave you with a free preview of Sam Wolfes’ The Bone Clan. Enjoy the book, please!

The Bone Clan

Copyright 2023 Sam Wolfe, all rights reserved.

This novel is inspired, in part on hours and hours of Prehistoric evolution videos, archaeological dig findings and evidence concerning Neanderthals, Denisovans, Cro-Magnon peoples and of course early Homo Sapiens of all lineages. I am not an archaeologist or a scientist; I am authoring only my own opinions.

This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real events is unintentional. All places, events scenarios are products of the author’s imagination.

No part of this book may be re-edited or distributed in any way without the written permission of the author.


ONE: The Cave

The attack came without warning. The cave rested in their sleep. Four warriors on guard, but they were not as alert as they should have been.

The enemy had clearly planned this attack with precision and patience. They knew the weaknesses of their opponents and took advantage of it. The sound of clubs thudding on flesh and screams echoed through the cave, waking up the rest of the warriors who were caught off guard.

As they scrambled to grab their weapons, they realized that they were outnumbered. The attackers had brought a larger army than they had anticipated. Panic set in as they fought for their lives, trying to defend their territory.

The battle lasted for hours, leaving behind a trail of blood and destruction. When it was finally over, only a handful of warriors remained standing. Deh gave the command to abandon their territory, fighting the attackers off while the women and the children were spirited away. They mourned the loss of their fallen comrades and vowed to never let their guard down again. But even more the loss of home and fire. Fire sustained them, without it there was only darkness and no way to know what was in that darkness, creeping, preparing to attack them.

Now that the fire was gone. The Bone Clan would be left vulnerable to the dangers of the night. They had no choice but to flee, to seek refuge in a new land where they could start anew and rekindle the fire that had once brought them together.

The Bone Clan ran through the forest, their feet pounding against the damp earth. They had no time to look back, no time to mourn the loss of their homes and belongings. All they could do was run, run as fast as they could.

As they ran through the darkness, their hearts heavy with sorrow and uncertainty, they clung to each other for comfort and support. The women held their children close, whispering words of reassurance as they stumbled over rocks and roots.

The warriors led the way, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. They knew that predators lurked in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity to strike. But they also knew that they could not stop until they found a new home for their people.

The darkness was suffocating, and the absence of stars made it even more eerie. The heavy skies seemed to weigh down on them, as if trying to crush them under its weight. The leaden waters added to the sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

As they ran deeper into the forest, the undergrowth became thicker and more tangled. The dampness clung to their clothes and skin, making them shiver with cold. The bristly bushes scratched at their faces and arms, leaving angry red marks.

But it wasn’t just the plants that posed a threat. Reptiles slithered through the leaf litter, their hissing and rustling sending chills down their spines.

They knew that danger lurked around every corner in this dense jungle. The sound of snapping twigs and crunching leaves made them jump at every turn. They had to be on high alert at all times, ready to defend themselves against any potential threats. The humid air made it difficult to breathe, and the constant buzzing of insects added to their discomfort. Despite the challenges, they pressed on, determined to reach their destination and complete their mission.

As they trudged deeper into the jungle, the terrain became more treacherous. The ground was slick with mud, and the thick vines and branches made it difficult to navigate. They had to use their machetes to hack through the dense foliage, and their progress was slow. But they knew that they couldn’t afford to let their guard down. The jungle was full of hidden dangers, from venomous snakes to deadly predators. They had to stay focused and alert, relying on their training and instincts to keep them safe. Despite the obstacles, they were determined to succeed, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As they continued their journey, the team’s determination only grew stronger. They knew that the mission they were on was crucial, and they couldn’t let anything stand in their way. The jungle seemed to be testing them at every turn, with steep inclines and sudden drops in the terrain. But they pushed on, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The sound of rustling leaves or a twig snapping could send them into high alert, ready to defend themselves. They were a well-oiled machine, each member relying on the other to make it through.

Their hearts pounded in their chests as they ran, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. They knew that they had to put as much distance between themselves and the danger as possible, but they also knew that they couldn’t keep up this pace forever. Eventually, they would have to stop and rest, and when they did, the fear would come crashing back down on them like a tidal wave.

But for now, all they could do was run. Run until their legs gave out or until they reached safety. And so they stumbled on through the darkness, guided only by the faint light of the stars above and the voice of their own instincts.

As they crossed streams and climbed hills, some of them began to wonder if they would ever be able to return home again. Would their families even recognize them after all that had happened? Would they be welcomed back with open arms or shunned as cowards?

But those were worries for another time. For now, all that mattered was survival. As they trudged through the harsh terrain, their minds raced with thoughts of what awaited them at home. Would their loved ones still be there? Would their homes still stand? The uncertainty was almost too much to bear, but they pushed on, driven by the hope of a better tomorrow.

And as they finally emerged from the jungle, victorious, they knew that they had truly accomplished something great.

The Bone Clan quickened their pace, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The wind whipped through their hair as they ran, their feet pounding against the ground. They had been traveling for hours, and the thought of finally reaching safety kept them going. As they ran, they could see the outline of the mountains in the distance, and they knew that sunlight was getting closer.

Fire was more than just a source of warmth and light. It was a symbol of hope, a reminder that even in the bleakest moments, there was still something worth fighting for. They knew that as long as the fire burned, they had a chance to survive.

They would gather around it at night, telling stories and singing songs to keep their spirits up. They would cook their meager meals over it, grateful for every scrap of food they could find. And when danger loomed, they would use it to signal for help or to scare off predators.

As time passed fire became a way of life for the people. They learned to tend to it carefully, feeding it with the right kind of wood and keeping it sheltered from the wind and rain. Fire was a force to be reckoned with, both feared and revered by all who encountered it. But it was also unpredictable, capable of spreading quickly and consuming everything in its path.

Despite its dangers, fire was essential to the survival of early humans. It allowed them to venture out into new territories, to explore and conquer the world around them. And as they learned to control it, they gained a sense of power and mastery over their environment.

The loss of the Fire was devastating. It had been the source of warmth, light, and life for as long as anyone could remember. Without it, the tribe would struggle to survive in the harsh wilderness. They would have to rely on their wits and skills to hunt, gather food, and fend off predators.

Now that it was gone, there was a sense of emptiness and despair that hung over the tribe like a dark cloud. Some wondered if they would ever be able to rekindle it again. Others feared that they were cursed or abandoned by the spirits.

As they mourned the loss of their beloved Fire, they also remembered those who had sacrificed themselves to protect it. They honored their bravery.

Hours passed as they ran through the night, their exhaustion mounting with every step. But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a faint glow appeared above the mountain tops on the horizon. The dawn of a new day, and a respite from the dangers of the night for a time.

Deh gathered the Bone Clan together as the sun began to rise over the mountain tops in the far distance to pay tribute to the fallen heroes who had given their lives to protect the fire and the Bone Clan. They shared stories of their courage and selflessness, and tears flowed freely as they remembered the sacrifices that had been made. Despite the sadness that hung heavy in the air, there was also a sense of pride and gratitude for those who had given everything. As the sun rose on the solemn ceremony, the community vowed to never forget the bravery of those who had come before them and to continue to honor their legacy for generations to come.

They ate what supplies they had with them, drinking from a nearby stream and then leaving guards the main body of the clan fell into a deep sleep, huddled together for warmth and protection. Day slipped by and night came upon them. The guards were changed, and the Bone Clan slept through that night, feeling far enough away from the violence that had driven them from their homes.

They were up and set out before dawn. The group paused for a moment to take in the beauty of the scene before them. The savannah stretched out as far as the eye could see, with tall grasses swaying gently in the breeze. In the distance, they could make out a herd of wildebeest grazing peacefully.

As they continued on their journey, they knew that they had to be careful. The savannah was home to many dangerous animals, including lions and hyenas. They kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.

As they walked, they talked about their ancestors who had walked this same path before them. They shared stories of bravery and resilience and marveled at how their family had survived in such a harsh environment for so many generations.

The men looked at the women with a mix of sympathy and frustration. They knew that the women had suffered just as much as they had, but they couldn’t help feeling annoyed by their constant slowing of the Clan. Even so, they kept moving. It was exhausting, both physically and mentally, but they knew that they had no other choice. They had to keep going, no matter what.

Despite the exhaustion and constant fear, they found solace in each other’s company. They had formed a tight bond during their time on the run, relying on each other for support and encouragement. They knew that they were in this together, and that gave them the strength to keep going. As they moved from place to place, they saw the world in a different light. They noticed the small details that they had never paid attention to before, and they appreciated the simple things in life. They knew that their mission to find a new home was important, but they also realized that the journey was just as significant…

I hope you enjoyed the free preview, if you want the book you can get it below… 

The Bone Clan $4.99

Deh knew that his clan was not as strong as it once was. The journey to this new land had been long and arduous, but he was determined to make a new home for them in this fertile valley. #CroMagnon #Denosivan Neanderthal #Paleolithic #Prehistory 

Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQ3Z8PLC

 #Readers #Prehistoric #Paleolithic #Booklovers #Bookworms #Archaic #Neanderthal #Denisovan #CroMagnon

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