Notes from the Edge

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Posted by Geo 11-18-23

It is the weekend once more. From several feet of snow just a couple of days
ago, so bad that the cats were afraid to go out, and the Governor
declared a state of emergency, to rain from yesterday into today and
60-degree weather and climbing. Wow. Watch out for flooding next. Or
sunburn, or both.

I am working on writing here, as always, and enjoying doing it. In
between I am dealing with all the things we all have to deal with
because we live in this world, some of the good stuff, some of the
bad stuff we get from living in this world. Lately, and I mean the
last few weeks, for me it has been more dealing with things, people,
situations that I didn’t create. And that irritates me to no end.
That is why my circle is so small.

I live a live and let live lifestyle. Whatever you are doing over there
is fine with me with a few exceptions. If I see you doing something
that is hurting someone else, I will step to you and point that out.
Likewise, if you try to shove things down my throat, I don’t agree with
I will speak up. No other rules, no subsection C or A, or appendix B.
Simplistic. Live your life and let me live mine. The rub is that
there are people in the world that don’t want other people to live
their own lives. They want you to live your life the way they want
you to live it. Do your best to ignore people like that. They are
lacking something inside themselves that makes them do that. I’m not
going to say more than that, but that is the reason I can count my
friends on one finger.

I remember hearing so often as a kid that if you don’t have a solution
then shut up. You are just wasting space, time, etcetera. But the
problem with that analogy is that it assumes there needs to be a
solution when many times there doesn’t need to be. You just need to
leave the person alone and let them live their life. They already
have a solution, and their solution is for you to shut up and leave
them be. Let them live their life. So, what if what you predicted
would happen happens. So, what, that’s how we learn. It’s how you
learned. Too bad if you only mean it in a good way. If it is rejected
and you don’t stop it becomes forced. How is that a good thing? It
really is simple if you look at it. Live your life, let the other
person live their life. I think the world could be that better place
we all want if we could just practice that. So maybe this holiday
season you could put that little game play into the mix. Step back,
let people live, realize that is the same thing you want really, and
the world could be a better place, not to sound too cliche’.

Book Links: Author A. L. Norton

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