@taggartrehnnauthor.bsky.social Author of vampire, SFF / scifi & spy thrillers. Find me on Amazon amazon.com/author/taggartrehnn or taggartrehnn.com . Also, all around jokester on spare time. Based in Toronto, Canada. Home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Author: Wendell
Notes from the Edge 03-11-24
Notes from the Edge 03-11-24 Ten things thatevolve as you age… Home: https://www.writerz.net
America the Dead: Begins the End Episode 04
The end of society is happening. In a small northern New York city, it is business as usual for two detectives who are questioning some late-night employees while looking into the murder of a local girl. Around them the world is quickly falling apart…#Podcast #free #audio #ALNorton #DellSweet #zombiesurvival #horrorstory https://www.writerz.net
Hay Vida
Hay Vida Rocket (Hay Vida Book 1) Kindle Edition 3.0 out of 5 stars Earth Date 2096-08-25 16:52:58 Star Dancer Michael He got a good look at Petra as he flagged her through the air-locks: #SciFi #Readers #Kindle #Amazon #SpaceOpera #SpaceTravel Base One (Hay Vida Book 2) Kindle Edition For the last two days Michael…
America the Dead: Before the end E06
ATD Before the end E06 A FREE Audiocast of the end of the world series created by Author dell Sweet. Episode six of the popular new Audiocast from dell Sweet #ApocalypticFiction #DellSweet #Horror #AudioCast #Podcast #Free A FREE Audiocast of the end of the world series created by Author dell Sweet. Home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Notes from the Edge America the Dead Book One Episode 5
Notes from the Edge America the Dead Book One Episode 5 Good morning from New York. It is still cold in the mornings here in New York; as far north as we are it will not really completely warm up until sometime toward the end of the month. But June should be beautiful, July edging…
A have been adding the Glennville series to Google Play. I am only missing one book; the rest is there in eBook and in Audio book!
Glennville Series Book 1: Fig StreetWendell G Sweet Aug 2020 · Glennville Book 1 · Wendell Sweet371 PagesAbout this ebookThe year is 1969: In the small city of Glennville people tend to stay to themselves. Neighbors matter. The streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to travel on their own: Play…
Game Build 001
Game Build 001 Part 1 of 3 showing how to design/set up a Game Template in R/S. We’ll start by loading and then modding a template and showing what goes into make a car operational in R/S. #RS #RadSandbox #3dgamebuilds #3dmodels #gamebuild #DellSweet Part One | Part Two | Part Three https://www.writerz.net
Mister Bob
This is the title story from my short story collection Mister Bob. A young girl tells her father she has been talking to a mysterious entity that came to her window in the middle of the night… #Free #audiostory #DellSweet #MisterBob #Readers #Listeners Mister Bob Mister Bob is a collection of short stories from Author…
Zombie Book 1: Origins.
Zombie Book 1: Origins. I still feel human: If it made changes to me, they are very small changes… But the dead. Oh, the dead, that is a different story. It did something else to the dead. #Apocalyptic #Readers #Amazon #Kindle #BookLovers #Horror Home: https://www.pcgeos.com