Earth’s Survivors: box set Kindle Edition Earth’s Survivors box set contains the entire Earth’s Survivors series in one volume. The series chronicles the day-to-day struggles of the survivors.. 1500 pages #apocalyptic #Horror #PostApocalyptic #Undead
Author: Wendell
America the Dead season 2 episode 39
America the Dead S02-E39 The Survivors vote on whether to part company with Bob or continue on as separate groups looking for a place to begin again… #survival #AmericaTheDead #horrorstories #podcasts Geo Dell & Amber Smith
Dreamers S01 E01
The Dreamer worlds are created by the dreamers. They can move through them with only thought and arrive at destinations, other worlds, spirt places and more. This is the story of a rescue of a young girl locked away within a stone for 10,000 years… #Mythology #horrorstories #audiobook #googleplay Get the Audio Book at Google…
#Books #Audio #googleplay Star Dancer is an Audio book available from Google Play. These free episodes will introduce you to the book and you can follow the link below to get the book from Google Play…The crew for Star Dancer begins to come together… #Audio #Books #googleplay #Writerz #listeners #reader Audio book: eBook:… 2Seasons of episodes all #Free #Horror #Podcasts #Audio #AmericaTheDead
Tau Ceti E In the far future a cataclysmic climate devolution occurs and the Planet Earth begins to lose its atmosphere: This is the story of Tau Ceti E… #Space #Readers #Colonization Kindle: Paperback:
City of the Dead The water was perfect, I thought, maybe a little too perfect… It was putting me to sleep. “Hey,” a voice said. A young guy. Unshaven. Wild hair. I could smell the street on him. His teeth were yellowed and chipped. Looked to be blackening in places I saw. His tongue…
Fig Street: Glennville Book 1 Kyle Stevens in the Sheriff of Jefferson County, his office is in Glennville, since Glennville is the seat of Jefferson County. He likes his job. He likes the city. He came from Manhattan where crime was much worse; here he might have a serious case once every few months….
Star Dancer FREE-E01
Star Dancer FREE-E01 Star Dancer is an Audio book available from Google Play. Free episodes… #Audio #Books #googleplay #Writerz #listeners #reader Audio book: eBook: Free Audio:
America the Dead: Los Angeles Wendell Sweet Book 2 150 Pages. About this ebook: An apocalypse of epic proportions has shaken the Earth. More than 90 percent of the Earth’s population has become extinct. #PostApocalyptic #Epic #ApocalypticFiction #Horror