America the Dead 10: The storms are over and the survivors are eking out a bare existence in an old cave. And they are growing: More survivors show up… #PostApocalyptic #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #Thriller #Zombie #Readers #BookWorms
Category: Blog
News | Trucks stuck in 4 wheel low Last Winter: Trucks Stuck in 4 wheel low: For you that don’t know, I live in the north, close to Canada, and this past year we seemed to get a lot more snow and cold than usual. I went out one day to get the truck…
Anna Kay
Sex on the Streets (Self Help – Anna Kay Book 1) Kindle Edition My aunt began to sexually abuse me the first night. It continued the entire time we were there… #SexualAbuse #ChildAbuse #SelfHelp #AnnaKay #nonfiction Anna Kay
America the Dead: Before the end 4 Episode 44
America the Dead: Before the end 4 Episode 44 The virus is about to be set loose upon the world. #Podcast #Virus #ApocalypticFiction #Audio #Story #AmericaTheDead #Free #Survival #Zombies #Undead #Horror Geo Dell & Amber Smith
Mister Bob The title story from the short story Collection Mister Bob. Read by the author: #ShortStory #Audio #Free #ReadbyutheAuthor #Readers #listenersGet the Kindle Book:
10-14-23 Well, storm six thousand fifty three is on the way. They say we will have a foot of snow over night. Time for me to move to south America. Of course then would have the hot weather and the Guerrilla fighters to complain about or get killed by. Hmmm. Well, maybe I’ll stay…
Genesis Earth: The roads out of Eden Annie came awake in the darkness. When she tried to move her hands to her throbbing head, she realized they were securely bound behind her. #Armageddon #ApocalypticFiction #Readers .#Horror #D2D
Run A hardboiled #crime novel that follows Billy as he takes a walk to fight boredom and ends up in the middle of a crime. #Money #drugs #Violence #crime #Deadfolks and everything else you would want in a hardcore crime fiction novel…
America the Dead: Before the End 3 Episode 43 Before the End 3 Episode 43: At an underground base Major Weston runs project SS and he is the sort of man who holds the line. The orders he receives are the orders he will carry out to the end… #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Listeners #Audio #Podcast
The third year of COVID 19 I have spent the past week getting things rolling. I think, like many of you, I believed this would be over quickly and we would be back to whatever sort of new life-mixed with our old life-that remained. As the time goes on I can see that is…