A drivable landscape model and road set up in the Direct X format that incudes all maps, graphics and rights…
A drivable landscape model and road set up in the Direct X format that incudes all maps, graphics and rights…
Earth’s Survivors: The Nation Collection W. W. Watson Publisher Description Earth’s Survivors box set contains the entire Earth’s Survivors series…
I had come back to spend time with Laura. I could not tell her my real reasons. That I was…
By Dell Sweet Follow the adventures of Mike and Petra aboard the star cruiser Star Dancer. They meet on a galactic…
#SciFi #StarTravel #dellsweet Michael Watson is the captain of an inner galaxy cruiser: He Purchased Star Dancer and has spent…
Episode 10 of Alabama Island is here.#Podcast #Horror #Undead #ApocalypticFiction #epic #DellSweet #AmericatheDeadGeo Dell & Amber Smith Get the books…
Posted by Dell 01/16/2024 It’s Tuesday already, where in hell did Monday go. It seems as thoughit arrived here way…
The summer of 1969 in Glennville New York had settled in full tilt. The July morning was cool and peaceful,…
If you have lived any kind of life at all you have mademistakes. It comes with the human territory, I…
Notes from the Edge: Posted by Dell 3:36 am 09/28/2023 Misspentyouth: How I got beat up the first few times…