The end has come for the people of Earth. The forces of nature have aligned, echoing the cataclysms of the past, and a devastating event looms on the horizon—one that will leave only a fraction of humanity standing. From America to Australia, governments will crumble and fall, millions will perish, and the once-mighty military machine…
Category: horror
America the Dead:
These are the individual stories of the survivors. Where they came from, where they are going to. L.A. – N.Y. – AL – from the south, the west and the east the survivors head for the one place that begins to rise from destruction. Looking for peace again. Looking for safety. Looking for sanity… #AmericatheDead…
Alabama Island Collected short stories
Alabama Island collected short stories from author W. G. Sweet. Categories: Crime, Domestic Thrillers, Drama, Dystopia, eBook, Fiction, Horror, New Books, Thrillers, Zombie Tags: Apocalyptic Fiction, Classic, Crime, eBooks, Sci Fi Fantasy, thrillers
Glennville Fig Street The year is 1969: In the city of Glennville the streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to play. But the city has its secrets, and those secrets have their dangers. #Horror #Crime #Fantasy #DellSweet #Series Welcome To Glennville Gizzel, you take too many chances, I told myself….
My audio books you can get at Google Play
Audio Books – Google Play Fire The strongest members of the clan decided to send out hunters to retrieve fire from a new source. The clan remained behind, anxiously awaiting the return of their life-sustaining flame… #Readers #Bookworms #HistoricalFiction #Denisovans #Neanderthal EARTH’S SURVIVORS SERIES Earth’s Survivors: Apocalypse Earth’s Survivors Apocalypse follows survivors of a…
Book 1: Fig Street
Wendell G Sweet Aug 2020 · Glennville Book 1 · Wendell Sweet 371 Pages About this ebook The year is 1969: In the small city of Glennville people tend to stay to themselves. Neighbors matter. The streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to travel on their own: Play kick the…
Reset: Onset
Reset: Onset. In a world ravaged by Apocalypse, Reset follows survivors as they struggle to stay alive. If you’re looking for series to binge-read you’ve found it. #Horror #ApocalypticFiction #Dystopian #ZombieFiction U.S.: U.K.: Home:
America the Dead Episode 20
Earth’s Survivors
Earth’s Survivors Apocalypse (The Earth’s Survivors Book 1) Kindle Edition 3.7 out of 5 stars 259 ratings 3.6 on Goodreads 73 ratings Book 1 of 8: The Earth’s Survivors #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Earth’s Survivors Rising From The Ashes Kindle Edition 3.9 3.9 out of 5 stars 100 ratings 3.9 on Goodreads 71 ratings…
Earth’s Survivors extras
Earth’s Survivors: Collection One Kindle Edition Contains the complete text from the first two Earth’s Survivors books, Apocalypse and Rising From The Ashes. #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Earth’s Survivors Collection Two Kindle Edition 3.0 4 ratings Earth’s Survivors Collection Two contains the complete text from books three and four of the Earth’s Survivors series,…