Tau Ceti: Los Angeles District Fifteen: My hand reached across the bedside table searching for the headset as it buzzed. Nia moved beside me, “going to wake the babes,”… Read on for a free chapter read! TAU CETI e Copyright 2022 © Sam Wolfe. All rights reserved foreign and domestic. This book is licensed for…
Category: Readers
Star Dancer
Michael Watson is the captain of an inner galaxy cruiser: He Purchased Star Dancer and has spent the last twenty years running people and supplies to outposts within the confines of the Solar System… #SciFi #StarTravel #DellSweet Home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Notes from the Edge: October 13th 2023
Notes from the Edge: October 13th 2023 I thought about entitling this what the Hell is wrong with me but Idon’t like to get too dramatic. Even so, there is something wrongwith me. I just don’t seem to see things the same way as other peopledo. For instance, just before I sat down to write…
America the Dead: Begins the End Episode 04
The end of society is happening. In a small northern New York city, it is business as usual for two detectives who are questioning some late-night employees while looking into the murder of a local girl. Around them the world is quickly falling apart…#Podcast #free #audio #ALNorton #DellSweet #zombiesurvival #horrorstory https://www.writerz.net
Fig Street
The year is 1969: In the city of Glennville the streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to play. But the city has its secrets, and those secrets have their dangers. #Horror #Crime #Fantasy #DellSweet #Series Home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Star Dancer
Star Dancer W. G. Sweet #Ebook 595 Pages About this eBook: Michael Watson is the captain of an inner galaxy cruiser: He Purchased Star Dancer and has spent the last twenty years running people and supplies to outposts within the confines of the Solar System…#SpaceExploration #SpaceOpera #SciFi #ScienceFiction #StarTravel #DellSweet https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098WV18B5 https://www.writerz.net
Fig Street
Fig Street: The year is 1969: In the small city of Glennville people tend to stay to themselves. Neighbors matter. The streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to travel on their own: Play kick the can after dark. But the city has its secrets, and those secrets have their dangers….
Sale!🔍Current price is: $6.99. The first three books in the Zombie series as a set purchase. Save big time! ePub format. Categories: Action Thriller, Drama, Dystopia, eBook, Fiction, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Zombie Tags: Apocalypse, Apocalyptic Fiction, Classic, Horror, Sci Fi Fantasy, thrillers Home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Notes from the Edge 04-14-24
Posted by Dell 04-14-24 3:21 A.M. Well, here it is 2024 and it doesn’t look any different than 2023 did. Samepoliticians with the same promises, same clouds in the sky, same snow on theground, same turkeys trying to eat my Fred cat. I know it sounds funny, but it isn’t. As you probably didn’t know…
Criminal Intentions 2 book set
Sale! Current price is: $4.99. A double set of W. G. Sweets crime story short story books! Categories: Crime, Drama, eBook, Mystery, New Books, Suspense, Suspense Thrillers, Thrillers Tags: Crime, eBooks Criminal Intentions are short crime fiction collections from Author W. G. Sweet. 7 to 8 stories ranging from short to near novel length. A…