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Category: Readers
Season 2 Episode 40
The last episode of season 2! Feedback on what is next is very welcome, Amber… #Apocalyptic #zombies #horror #podcast #Audio A longer look at the Zombie Queen, Donita… Season 2 Episode 40 via @YouTube
ANNA KAY Sex on the Streets (Self Help – Anna Kay Book 1) Kindle Edition My aunt began to sexually abuse me the first night. It continued the entire time we were there… #SexualAbuse #ChildAbuse #SelfHelp #AnnaKay #nonfiction
White Trash: Fourteen million dollars in a suitcase. Severed body parts in a duffel bag. Two hired killers. A drug dealer. Organized crime kingpins; all chasing two white trash kids down to the deep south. #Crime #WhiteTrash #DellSweet #eBook #Kindle
Earth’s Survivors: box set Kindle Edition Earth’s Survivors box set contains the entire Earth’s Survivors series in one volume. The series chronicles the day-to-day struggles of the survivors.. 1500 pages #apocalyptic #Horror #PostApocalyptic #Undead
#Books #Audio #googleplay Star Dancer is an Audio book available from Google Play. These free episodes will introduce you to the book and you can follow the link below to get the book from Google Play…The crew for Star Dancer begins to come together… #Audio #Books #googleplay #Writerz #listeners #reader Audio book: eBook:… 2Seasons of episodes all #Free #Horror #Podcasts #Audio #AmericaTheDead
Fig Street: Glennville Book 1 Kyle Stevens in the Sheriff of Jefferson County, his office is in Glennville, since Glennville is the seat of Jefferson County. He likes his job. He likes the city. He came from Manhattan where crime was much worse; here he might have a serious case once every few months….
I tried to focus my thoughts, but every time I opened my eyes the bathroom swam in and out of focus. Even the panic I felt seemed removed. Aloof. Panic felt by a disinterested party. #horror #readers #Apple #Fantasy #scifi
The City of the Dead is available on #Apple rested my head against the rim of the tub and drifted. It really was relaxing me. I tried to follow that thought, but found that I couldn’t. My eyelids felt heavy. Too heavy. Heavier than normal… #Scifi #Fantasy #Horror #Mythology #SamWolfe #Apple