Star Bound
By Dell Sweet Follow the adventures of Mike and Petra aboard the star cruiser Star Dancer. They meet on a galactic…
By Dell Sweet Follow the adventures of Mike and Petra aboard the star cruiser Star Dancer. They meet on a galactic…
#SciFi #StarTravel #dellsweet Michael Watson is the captain of an inner galaxy cruiser: He Purchased Star Dancer and has spent…
Episode 10 of Alabama Island is here.#Podcast #Horror #Undead #ApocalypticFiction #epic #DellSweet #AmericatheDeadGeo Dell & Amber Smith Get the books…
Posted by Dell 01/16/2024 It’s Tuesday already, where in hell did Monday go. It seems as thoughit arrived here way…
“Hey,” he said again. “I didn’t know you would be naked… In a bath tub… He didn’t say that… I’m…
If you have lived any kind of life at all you have mademistakes. It comes with the human territory, I…
This is the story of Bear who makes his way from the city of Manhattan after the apocalypse. This is…
Get free reads from Amazon! Zombie Book 1: Origins. I still feel human: If it made changes to me, they…
Notes from the Edge May 20th 2024 Good afternoon. I have to leave to take care of some things and…
Alabama Island Episode 04 ( What happens when you see something you were not supposed to. In this world of…