Earth’s Survivors Apocalypse (The Earth’s Survivors Book 1) Kindle Edition 3.7 out of 5 stars 259 ratings 3.6 on Goodreads 73 ratings Book 1 of 8: The Earth’s Survivors #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Earth’s Survivors Rising From The Ashes Kindle Edition 3.9 3.9 out of 5 stars 100 ratings 3.9 on Goodreads 71 ratings…
Category: Zombies
Earth’s Survivors extras
Earth’s Survivors: Collection One Kindle Edition Contains the complete text from the first two Earth’s Survivors books, Apocalypse and Rising From The Ashes. #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Earth’s Survivors Collection Two Kindle Edition 3.0 4 ratings Earth’s Survivors Collection Two contains the complete text from books three and four of the Earth’s Survivors series,…
America the Dead
Americathe Dead: Manhattan Book 3 · Wendell Sweet 116Pages Aboutthis #ebook: Donita sat on a stool in the kitchen writing in herlittle notebook. Something was going on out in the world. Something,and the news was covering it up. #Horror #Apocalyptic
Notes from the Edge 05-04-2024
Notes from the Edge 05-04-2024 I believe I mentioned before that I am a tech wizard, well, at least in my own head, but I am common sense stupid. Lacking, sadly, in that small area of the brain that says ‘What?’ or ‘Hey wait a second!’ Nope. My brain just says, ‘Yeah, go ahead,…
America the Dead season 2 episode 39
America the Dead S02-E39 The Survivors vote on whether to part company with Bob or continue on as separate groups looking for a place to begin again… #survival #AmericaTheDead #horrorstories #podcasts Geo Dell & Amber Smith
America the Dead season two episode 37
Gathering the will to leave the peace of the roadside area they have found themselves in, the survivors take some breathing time and reflect on all the changes to their world… #AmericatheDead #Listeners #Podcast #Horror #apocalyptic Geo Dell & Amber Smith Only three episodes left until the end of the series…
Wendell Sweet – Author
BOOKS: America the Dead – Zero Zero – Dreamers – Criminal Intentions – Zombie – Glennville – Mister Bob – Reset Onset – The Dead Road – True – Many More! Wendell G. Sweet was born in Watertown New York. He wrote his first fiction at age seventeen. He drove taxi and worked as a…
America the Dead
America the Dead A five book saga of the end of the world told by the survivors in their own words. These books pick up the saga of the Earth’s Survivors and tells the individual stories of those people as they struggle to survive. #Zombie #Horror #Kindle #Amazon Home:
Notes from the Edge 04-29-24
Notes from the Edge 04-29-24 Good Monday morning. It is 5:20 a.m. here and I have been up and working on posts since a little after 1:30 a.m. It is crazy how, in a bubble (My world, as it is) time just flips around all over the place. When you are disabled, retired and have…
Earth’s Survivors Life Stories: Billy (The Earth’s Survivors) Kindle
5.0 out of 5 stars : The trunk had popped open and all manner of stuff that had been inside now lay scattered across the ground. Hot oil and antifreeze dripped from under the hood and onto the concrete. The front roof line was smashed flat… #Apocalyptic #Crime #Survival #DellSweet Home: