Earth’s Survivors Series
Book 1: Apocalypse
From L.A. To Manhattan the cities, governments have toppled and lawlessness is the rule. The dead lay in the streets while gangs fight for control of what is left. Small groups band together for safety and begin to leave the ravaged cities behind in search of a future that can once again hold promise… #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers https://books2read.com/u/baq57y
Book 2: Rising from the Ashes
I went outside today and really looked at it. It is off the foundation and leaning. I should have gotten out of it the other night when I knew it was bad. It is just dumb luck it hasn’t fallen in on me and killed me. It doesn’t matter now though. I met a few others today, and I’m leaving with them. I don’t know if I’ll stay with them. I really don’t know what to expect from life anymore… #eBooks #Horror #Apocalyptic #Readers https://books2read.com/u/3RYyQR
Book 3: The Nation
Survivors of a near extinction event that has blighted the Earth are coming together to pick up the pieces of their lives and try to move on in this strange new world that has emerged… “You know, in my head the old world was selfish. It was all about selfish. The me-generation? Something like that. And I’m not saying I was any better. I wasn’t. Oh, I had my friends, and I helped them when I could, but when it came down to push or shove, it was me. It was me, and a lot of the people I knew, worked for, with, associated with, were the same way. Social on the surface, but scratch that surface and it’s a different story. Push or shove… #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/b5wD9l
Book 4: Home in the Valley
The world after the near extinction event, looked as if it might be empty, and then the dead began to rise… They came through the roof: Bear was talking to Beth, leaned against the door frame, staring out at the night black parking lot, when the first zombie dropped from the ceiling of the store behind them. There were four of them outside the vehicles talking or keeping watch on the parking lot. Bear and Beth, Mac and Billy. When the first one dropped Billy spun around and clubbed it to the ground. But the rest came so fast that they could not hope to easily and quickly pick them off.
Beth raised her machine pistol straight up and began firing into the roof. The light from the lanterns didn’t penetrate the darkness all the way to the ceiling, so there was no way to see how many there were or even where they were. She found herself wishing she still had the flashlight taped to the rifle barrel. … #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/3LxEeJ
Book 5: Plague
The world is a constant battle and sometimes it is not just the dead you have to worry about…
It happened so fast, Mike told himself later, that no one had had any time to react. They had heard nothing. Two watches were posted, Nellie and Tim on opposite ends of the circle. Nellie facing the highway, Tim looking back towards the mall.
Molly had just stood up to walk over and talk to Nellie when the shot had come. The flat, loud crack of a high powered rifle. Mike’s head spun hard as it automatically turned at the sound and tried to duck at the same time. And he saw Nellie falling and falling, and it seemed as though there were a fog around her head for a second and then it was gone, and in the silence he could hear blood pattering to the pavement. #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/baq51Q
Book 6: Watertown
Stepping back a little to discover why and how the virus started… A scream cut off the conversation and both men turned quickly back to the monitor.
Clayton Hunter was sitting up on the steel table: Arms drooping at his side; mouth yawning. Doctor Christmas had backed away until he had met the wall behind him. Nurse Berty was nowhere to be seen.
“What the f*ck… What the f*ck. Get a camera on the floor… Maybe she fainted,” Kohlson said. #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/4XeJoN
Book 7: Alabama Island
The Earth’s Survivors books follow a series oif different survivors as they awaken to the destruction of the Earth and begin to pick up what is left of their lives. This is the first book to center on the Alabama Island survivors. Set in the former state of Alabama, it begins in New York and makes its way there via the ruined roads and fields… Joel and Haley
They both stopped short as they topped the small hill at the crest of Main Street and stared down at the downtown area on the other side of the river.
It appeared to be more of a war zone than a city. The buildings that were still standing leaned crazily to the left or right and only the tallest seemed to have been as yet untouched. Haley wondered aloud at that. #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/38nzrV
Book 8: Los Angeles
An apocalypse of worldwide proportions has destroyed civilized life. It has killed billions worldwide. In some places there are small groups of survivors that have managed to hang on and stay alive. Billy and Beth are with one of those groups in Los Angeles. They hope to find a place where they can begin again. They are determined to get out of the death and destruction of Los Angeles and make their way east; hopeful for better conditions and like minded survivbors… #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/38v7qB
Book 9: Zombie Fall
Mike drove the barrel of his gun into the zombies head, and only barely got it lined up to do it before he found himself on the ground, the zombie biting at him as he went down, missing by scant inches. Mike pulled the trigger and the zombies head exploded in a spray of black. Almost like a fog in the air that seemed to hang there, Mike thought, as he made it back to his feet. He ran at another zombie climbing over the hood of a truck near him. He realized then that the fog had stayed with him. In his eyes, he knew, and he hoped that Bear was right, that it could not infect him that way. #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/47veWA
Book 10: World Order
The Earth’s Survivors series follows a group of people in an apocalyp[tic world. Governments are gone. Military is gone. There is no protection of any kind. Gangs and strong men rule what is left. In a formerly wild areaof the North American content a small group of survivors have begun again.
Far from the destroyed cities and relying on old world knowledge to begin again, this group of people is building what they call a New Nation. From the ground up and survivors from all over are trickling in little by little to join them. Other survivors are putting together other areas, but the Nation seems to be rising above all the others. #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Horror #BookSellers #Epic https://books2read.com/u/496VvY
Genesis Earth Series
Book 1: Armageddon
Genesis Earth is a trilogy of books that document the plight of the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarely glimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups band together to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her final destruction.
Will it be a case of too little too late? For some it will be the end of everything, they will give all they have and pass from life into death. But the battle may not be over for them, for many will find themselves rising from the sleep of death only to be pulled back into the battle to save earth and her people. There seems to be no peace in life or in death. No answers for humanity, but faith only in the things they have followed and… #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers https://books2read.com/u/bzBG1E
Book 2: Gods and Devils
The Judgment Day is coming for the world, but before it comes there will be a time of wars, evil rulers and millions will die…
The small group is traveling trying to find others, trying to find the scope of the damage and the survivors…
A long, gray, older Lincoln sat at the curb idling, its wipers throwing great sheets of water from the windshield. The darkened side windows gleamed, reflecting back the bright glare of the station lights. Lisa, and several of the others were waving through the glass in an attempt to get the drivers attention. #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers
Book 3: The Roads out of Eden
The conclusion of the Genesis Earth trilogy… He was sure now, that he had somehow become trapped in this dead body. Which was bad, but was not that bad. It meant that he could maybe exact a small amount of revenge on Luther. He could try at least. He wasn’t completely sure it would be successful, but he wasn’t convinced it wouldn’t be. He had reasoned it simply enough. Luther terrified him, plain and simple, but when he had examined his fear, he had realized that Luther had never been able to touch him. Scare him, yes, threaten to hurt him, yes again, but he had never actually touched him… #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers https://books2read.com/u/b6GEz0
Anna Kay
Walking Alone: Prison Life
I had been in prison a few years, long enough to be transferred to a medium security prison. Two inmates had been at each other most of the day, back and forth, the larger woman taunting the smaller woman. I was housed in a dormitory setting, 40 women housed in one area watched over by one guard. No doors, no cells, those were in the past when I was in a Maximum security prison. The last count of the day was taken and the C.O. stepped out to wait for the sergeant to pick up the count slip. I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye as I began to lie down, a shadow raced silently past me, heading away so fast I was unsure I had really seen it. I stood and looked in that direction and caught the shadow slip into the end of the line of beds. That told me all I needed to know. A second later a woman screamed, a second after that the other woman was shadowed as she leapt up and both shadows began fighting. It was clear to see that the smaller shadow was making stabbing gestures as her hand rushed at the other shadow… #NonFiction #TrueStories AnnaKay #Readers #Apple #Amazon #Kobo #Nook
Sex on the Streets
FROM GROUP: Written out as responses to questions
What did your aunt do that first night? Write honestly about it. Try to remember everything that went on, how you felt, anything else you think is pertinent.
It was the first night we were there. I don’t know why we were there. She came into the bedroom I was in and had me get out of bed. She undressed me and told me she was getting me ready for bed properly, but all she did was undress me. She knelt before me as I was naked and started to go down on me. The door opened and my father stepped in and looked at her. He shook his head and she rose. He led her from the room. #NonFiction #TrueStories AnnaKay #Readers #Apple #Amazon #Kobo #Nook https://books2read.com/u/bW8PaY
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