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Over the next few weeks, I will be adding all of the Glennville books to Google Play. Re-edited, re-covered in some cases and audio versions to come shortly after also through Google Play. Enjoy! Feedback is always welcome, Dell.


A Bad Day for Billy

Apr 2021 · Wendell Sweet Ebook 332 Pages

About this ebook Book 11 in the Glenville series

For Billy Jingo, living in Glennville is a dead in life. His trailer home next to the county dump. His dead-end job. The boring life he lived. And then on Friday morning his whole world turned upside down. He suddenly found himself emerged in a crime that was so far above his normal reasoning range that, at first, he couldn’t even comprehend the implications on it. In a heartbeat he found himself in a fight for his life. On the run with someone’s drugs and money and a girl he had not even known just a few hours before. Buckle up, enjoy the ride. Fast paced pulp style fiction… #Crime #PulpFiction #Action #Readers #Booklovers

Fig Street

Wendell G Sweet Aug 2020 · Glennville Book 1 · Wendell Sweet

371 Pages

About this ebook

The year is 1969: In the small city of Glennville people tend to stay to themselves. Neighbors matter. The streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to travel on their own: Play kick the can after dark. But the city has its secrets, and those secrets have their dangers.

Under the city, a series of caves cut from the limestone by the Black River attract visitors, children, some have entered and never come out; maybe lost, maybe part of Glennville’s secrets.

Something else lives in the cold, dark caves. Something some have suspected but refuse to believe. After all, it’s 1969. Things are rational, safe.

Kyle Stevens in the Sheriff of Jefferson County, his office is in Glennville, since Glennville is the seat of Jefferson County. He likes his job. He likes the city. He came from Manhattan where crime was much worse; here he might have a serious case once every few months. Sure, even small places like Glennville have their share of run-aways, bar fights, mysteries, but in the summer of 1969 the body of a young woman is found dead in a weed choked field, and Kyle’s world changes forever…

#Horror #Crime #MurderMystery #Readers #AvidReaders

The great go cart Race

Wendell G Sweet

About this ebook Book 2

The summer of 1969 in Glennville New York had settled in full tilt. The July morning was cool and peaceful, but the afternoon promised nothing but sticky heat. Bobby Weston and Moon Calloway worked furiously on the go-cart they had been planning to race down Sinton Park hill, in the old garage behind Bobby’s house. Both boys had grown up in Glennville…

About the author

W. G. Sweet is the actual name for writer Wendell G. Sweet. He has written over 100 novels under pen names that are now being collected and published under his own name. He grew up in a small northern NY city much like Glennville. He is best known for the Earth’s Survivors book series. #YoungAdultFiction #Youth #Summer #GooglePlay #Readers #BookLovers

The End of Summer

Wendell G Sweet

About this ebook

The summer of 1969 was winding down. The warm air held a smell 13-year-old Bobby Weston couldn’t quite identify but nevertheless acquainted with going back to school. An end of summer smell, he decided. Or maybe an end of summer feeling. He couldn’t make up his mind, and it really didn’t matter, as soon enough summer would be gone and he’d be back in school. He had permission to go camping today.

About the author

W. G. Sweet is an author of The Earth’s Survivors series, America the Dead series and dozens of other SciFi, Horror and Apocalyptic Fiction books. #Youth #Fiction #Summer #Friends #Readers #BookLovers #GooglePlay


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