Kobo Titles from Dell Sweet 3

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The End of Summer

byDell Sweet

The summer of 1969 was winding down. The warm air held a smell 13 year old Bobby Weston couldn’t quite identify but nevertheless acquainted with going back to school. An end of summer smell, he decided. Or maybe an end of summer feeling. He couldn’t make up his mind, and it really didn’t matter, as soon enough summer would be gone and he’d be back in school. He had permission to go camping today, but camping by yourself was no fun at all, he thought gloomily. So he had come out and sat on …

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Genesis Earth: Armageddon

byDell Sweet

Genesis Earth is a trilogy of books that document the plight of the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarely glimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups band together to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her final destruction.Will it be a case of too little too late? For some it will be the end of everything, they will give all they have and pass from life into death. But the battle may not be over for…

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The Great Go Cart Race

byDell Sweet

The summer of 1969 in Glennville New York had settled in full tilt. The July morning was cool and peaceful, but the afternoon promised nothing but sticky heat. Bobby Weston and Moon Calloway worked furiously on the go-cart they had been planning to race down Sinton Park hill, in the old garage behind Bobby’s house.Both boys had grown up in Glennville. Bobby on upper Fig, Moon on lower Fig. And even though they had gone to the same schools and grown up just a block apart, they had o…

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Genesis Earth: Gods and Devils

byDell Sweet

Genesis Earth: Gods and Devils is the second book in a trilogy of books that document the plight of the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarely glimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups band together to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her final destruction.Will it be a case of too little too late? For some it will be the end of everything, they will give all they have and pass from life into death…

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Mexico Bound

byDell Sweet

Sunday night…I buried the Mexican just after sundown. I can’t say much about the sort of man he was in life, but I can say he was a strong man in death.The Moon has led my way and I’m on my way across the desert into Mexico of all places. What did they say, hide in plain sight? There I’m going to be. Probably already passed the border, and once I’m across the border I’ll find a small town to buy gasoline enough so I can reach South America.I’ve played the events o…

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Available Aug 31, 2024

Zero Zero

byDell Sweet

Far below the small city of Glennville New York, Richard Pierce sat working before an elaborate computer terminal. He had just initiated the program that managed the small nuclear power plant hidden deep below him in the rock. A small handset beside the computer station chimed, and he picked it up and listened. He did not speak at first, but as he listened a smile spread across his face. “Very good,” he said happily, when the caller was finished, “keep me advised.” He set the small handset…

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byDell Sweet

Joel has lived and worked his whole life in the small town of Glennville, but his life is about to change forever; only time will tell if it is for the better or the worse. He goes to work at the mill, drinks with the few friends he has at a local bar on the weekends. He’s got his truck packed for an off-grid adventure he’s planed for his vacation. Fortunate for him, because when he awakens to leave for that trip, everything has changed permanently…Haley is in Glennville because …

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Mister Bob

byDell Sweet

Mister Bob is a collection of short stories from Author Dell Sweet.FIREFIGHT: Private Johnson finds himself in the middle of a firefight in the jungles of Vietnam. He has no idea how he got there, why he is there, or why the men with him seem to know more about his circumstances than he does.RAPID CITY: When the apocalypse of the dead befell the world, men and women rose to the challenge. The great gunfighters of the zombie plague years rose and dealt with the dead with rut…

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byDell Sweet

“Yeah? I think you like the idea of me… I think it might even hold together in a situation like this… At least for a while. And I think you could talk me into that comfort we could give each other, and I think you would feel completely different about me once that happened. You would think it meant that we were together, and it wouldn’t mean that at all. It would mean we were scared, and we took some comfort in each other… Because the attraction was there, and because it can just be …

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Genesis Earth: The Roads Out Of Eden

byDell Sweet

Genesis Earth: The Roads Out Of Eden is the third and final book in this trilogy that document the plight of the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarely glimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups band together to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her final destruction. Will it be a case of too little too late?

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