OFX Road and UV

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This is a dirt track I built over the last few months and finally finished. It is hand built, not modular or BTB. I built it to test out some fade pieces of road texture. Once started I wanted to finish it, but I have a habit of never finishing unless I set a goal, so the other day I took it apart and then put together the pieces I wanted. I wound up with three separate landscape/tracks. I load the others soon. I show the finished model and then load it in Rad Sandbox as a RigidBody and drive around to show the work. #rigidbody #directx #gamemodel #3DRoadBuild #3dlandscapedesign

Building a road and doing the UV/Graphics work using Open FX modeler and Ultimate Unwrap.
#3dgamebuilds #OpenFXModeler #RadSandbox #3DGameAssets #3dmodels #RoadModels


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