Dirt Track Template $79.95 A template that includes two different races and a menu selection template and all models and graphics along with all scripting to run it already done for you. #3DGame Builder Software, #3DGame Building, #3DGames, #3DModeling, #Car Models, #Software Rally Template $49.90 This is a Rad Sandbox template for use with the…
Criminal Intentions
APPLE Criminal Intentions Criminal Intentions 1: Criminal Intentions are short crime fiction collections from Author W. G. Sweet. 7 to 8 stories ranging from short to near novel length. A mix of truth, fiction and almost truth. https://books.apple.com/us/book/criminal-intentions-1/id6670492440 #Crime #NonFiction #Fiction #Readers Criminal Intentions 2: Criminal Intentions is a series of books from Author W….
Notes from the Edge 05-05-2024
Some humor for you today, Dell… Absolute Facts Absolute facts: Q: Who discovered America? A: Richard Plambouise. Huh? Richard was working at the local K-Mart when he was assigned to move some shelving during inventory. Behind the shelving, he noticed a continent that had fallen from the shelf and lay dusty and disused. He recognized…
Zombie Plague: Dead Road – Survivors’ Saga and Final Battle
Zombie Plagues: Dead Road Geo Dell $3.99 The Zombie Plagues! The original Zombie storieswritten by Geo Dell, Story 1 through story 6 1776 pages.#ZombieStories #Horror #Apple #Readers #Readers #BookLovers#BookWorms #ApocalypticFiction Books One through five were published, book six was not published for the series and the epilogue was also withheld. It would have come at…
Notes from the Edge and a free story!
October 28th 2023, Sam Hey! Welcome to Saturday! You made it through another work week and here you are on my blog. So, I’m posting a story Dell wrote for you to read. It is complete, I hope you like it, feedback is always welcome, Sam The Mexican or As I Went Walking One Night…
Mexico: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mexico-geo-dell/1128179620?ean=2940046156379 A quiet morning is shattered on a rural backroad when a drug deal gone wrong crash lands. Drug Dealers, Mob, Hit Men and two young lovers thrown together in the midst of the chaos… #Drugs #Crime #Nook #eBooks #Readers #BookLovers home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Car – Truck
A car turned into a truck. I worked on this for a while a few weeks back…
W. Watson Connected: Short Hauls Kindle Edition Book 1 of 3: Connected A collection of seven crime stories; including Harrows… They had been drinking one night when Robby had come out with the murder bit. #ShortStories #CrimeFiction #Watson #Readerrs #Kindle Connected: Sanger Road Kindle Edition Book 2 of 3: Connected Sanger Road… Pulled from his…
Alabama Island Episode 11
Alabama Island Episode 11 https://youtu.be/YgoMcPTENEQ?si=DgsNb2jhX9soCemC The survivors awake to destruction as the apocalypse begins. The decide to walk to the public square to see if they can find other survivors… #ApocalypticFiction #DellSweet #ALNorton #Horror #Zombie #AmericaTheDead #PodCast Full Podcast: America the Dead E01 – Audio Podcast (youtube.com) America the Dead Books: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLKWHZG8
Billy Jingo
Billy Jingo Collected Short Stories Billy Jingo contains 22 short stories, from crime to Horror and the title story, Billy Jingo… #Crime #eBooks #Reader #BookLovers #Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/452624