This was done in my own studio with a fuzz FX. I re-worked the song a few years later and did an acoustic version of it. I’ll post that next week. This song is about my life, how I lived it, Drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, all of which is behind me, so, I would urge…
Alabama Island Episode 08
Episode 8 of America the Dead: Alabama Island #apocalypticfiction #horrorstory #AmericaTheDead #podcast #ALNorton #dellsweet Dell & Amber Smith
Notes from the Edge – 03-20-24 YouTubers I have my own YouTube channel, but aside from some modeling builds, book videos and some of my own music there isn’t much there. It seems to me a few years ago I looked at YouTube, and although it was great for a few minutes of distraction it…
3D Game Content MODELS Muscle Car Chassis Setups Muscle Cars 01 5 new setups for Rad Sandbox. You will need Rad Sandbox. Download the setups and add them to your P Car modules. #3DModels #GameModels #DirectX #Gamer Muscle Cars 02 Another 5 Chassis setups you can use with Rad Sandbox. Chassis…
Notes from the Edge 03-18-24 HOME WORK Episode 01 Back to work, 5 years after a Heart Attack and Stroke, followed by open heart surgery This room was where I was working in 2016 when I had the first heart attack: The new living room, about 14 x 18 feet. Raised ceiling, boxed…
Notes from the Edge 03-17-24 The Swiss Family Robinson Written by Swiss writer, Johann David Wyss, edited by his son Johann Rudolf Wyss, and illustrated by another son, Johann Emmanuel Wyss, the novel was intended to teach his four sons about family values, good husbandry, the uses of the natural world and self-reliance. I read…
Another song I have always liked, and I wanted to do a cover of. This was setup with a single guitar and the Chord Pulse app. Chord Pulse offers a lot for a small price. I hope you remember and like this song the way I covered it… Dell #dixie #TheNightTheyDroveOldDixieDown #dellsweet #cover #music #oldclassicsong…
Flex Track layout Working
Take a look at this Flex track video. Me, working on a new track setup for Rad Sandbox. I did finish this project and install it into Rad Sandbox. It is called city streets. It comes free with Rad Sandbox, or you can buy it to build models from it in your modeler. City Streets:…
FIRE Free Preview FIRE The ancient clan in prehistoric Europe, 85,000 years ago, faced a devastating attack that forced them out of their high stone shelter. With many losses, particularly among the young and elderly… #PreHistory #CavePeoples #Readers #HistoricalFiction #WGSweet #Paleolithic Free Sample Read: This is copyright protected material… As the sun rose on…
Plastic Wrap, Dishwashers and other irritants… Plastic wrap is one of those inventions that didn’t quite make it all the way to where it claims to have made it. Yes, on the TV you will see overpaid, starved models whip that stuff off the roll and cover just about anything: A bowl of leftovers,…