Earth 02201 04-11 02:58:27 Los Angeles District Fifteen: My hand reached across the bedside table searching for the headset as it buzzed. Nia moved beside me, mumbled, “Going to wake the babes.” #scifi #SpaceSettlement #readers #GooglePlay
The City of the Dead is available on #Apple rested my head against the rim of the tub and drifted. It really was relaxing me. I tried to follow that thought, but found that I couldn’t. My eyelids felt heavy. Too heavy. Heavier than normal… #Scifi #Fantasy #Horror #Mythology #SamWolfe #Apple
Welcome to the City of Glennville Robert His eyes were closed. He seemed to have stopped his struggles. The fat man walked around him twice. Slowly. The fat man was sweating freely. His oversized white T-shirt that usually billowed like a sale, clung to his fat. Drenched… #ebook #GooglePlay #DellSweet #SciFi #Reader #Mythology #Fantasy …