Zombie: Origins W. G. Sweet Apr 2016 · Wendell Sweet
Ebook 238 Pages
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I walked through the park. There were hundreds there already. In the coming days those same people began to make the park home. But that day they wandered aimlessly. In shock. The subway was shut down, most of it flooded. The buses parked. You could not find a cab. The same with the cops. Everything that was the same about the city. The things you could depend on to be the same day after day, were gone. A few short days and they were gone. No more. And it had a feeling of permanence to it. A feeling of doom. https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=TIIaEQAAQBAJ
Zombie: The Farm W. G. Sweet Apr 2017 · Wendell Sweet
Ebook 188 Pages
$2.99 Ebook
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The safe world we once knew is gone. A tragedy has wiped most of the population from her countries and those that survive must face hardship and the rising of the dead…
The dead were all around, pulled from their wanderings by the sound of the wreck and the smell of the living. Johnny shifted Lana’s weight more fully onto his shoulder, and lifted the gun, but before he could fire, the truck blew up behind him and he felt himself pushed by the blast out into the street where he struggled to stay on his feet. A warm rush of air moved rapidly past him and Johnny got his feet moving only a second later. https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=LJIaEQAAQBAJ
Zombie: Mission Zero W. G. Sweet Aug 2017 · Wendell Sweet
187 Pages
$2.99 Ebook
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“Careful, Bear. I think he’s bit. He said he wasn’t, but his arm looks bit to me, and when he was on the edge on passing out it was like he was trying to tell me something… Kept lifting the arm, but he couldn’t talk.” “Think so,” Bear agreed. He looked out the mouth of the alleyway, the shadows were deepening already. Two blocks west he saw a hurried movement, shadows passing behind broken windows. He looked back down at Rob. The bandaging was sections of his shirt, ripped and folded. The blood seeped past it, and occasional bloody bubbles appeared at his lips. A lung shot, Bear knew it. He would die. Maybe sooner, maybe later. https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=-JIaEQAAQBAJ
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